




Irish Canoe Union Training & Development Unit

The following standards are the minimum requirements considered necessary by the Irish Canoe Union (ICU) for centres involved in the organisation of canoeing courses at basic introductory level.

    1. The overall Director/Organiser should be a registered Instructor with the Irish Canoe Union with a valid Instructorship Award Level 3 or have an equivalent level of qualification in another adventure sport with at least six months full time instructorship experience. It is the responsibility of the Director/Organiser to ensure that all courses are run in accordance with current safety recommendations.

    2. Preferably the person either employed or assigned to the centre with the responsibility of supervising canoeing activities should hold a current Instructorship Award Level 3 or higher. However the minimum instructing qualification considered necessary for basic canoeing courses is a Level 1 Award. Holders of this award must restrict activities to flat inland waters or sheltered coastal areas considered suitable by the I.C.U. Only qualified staff with a minimum of a Level I Award should be directly involved in the organisation and running of basic courses.

    3. The above criteria refers to the organisation of basic canoeing courses only. A centre aiming to offer advanced course leadership / instructorship training, must use a full or part time member of staff holding a valid Level 3 Instructorship Certificate on these courses.

    4. Some British Canoe Union Qualifications may suffice for Basic or Advanced Courses / Training. It is necessary however to contact the Irish Canoe Union to confirm this.

    1. The recommended instructor / participant ratio is a minimum of one instructor to six participants in areas and conditions approved by the centre's assigned instructor.

    1. All equipment should be of recognised standard of quality and construction and comply with the safety recommendations as set down by the Irish Canoe Union.

    2. Buoyancy aids and helmets must be worn at all times.

    3. Canoes and kayaks must have adequate and permanently "fitted buoyancy", front and rear decklines and toggles.

    4. A First Aid Kit must be carried at all times.

    5. Each Tutor / Instructor should be equipped with a simple towing system.

    6. Rescue boats can not be used as part of the ratio of Instructor to students. In the event of rescue boat being used to complement a session. the person controlling the boat must hay minimum of R.Y.A. Level 2 or equivalent.


  1. Kayak Instructor Grades I to V
  2. Canoe Instructor Grades I to V
  3. Sea Instructor Grades I to V

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Secretary Centre Standards Board, Duncannon Fort, Duncannon, Co. Wexford.
Information Line: (01) 450-9845    Email: